2024: The Meet & Greet drew over 40 residents to the Farmhouse on December 8th. It was Ladies Bunco Night on November 14th. Dogs and people came together in the spirit of Halloween at the annual Paw Parade on October 26th. Introduction to Bunco brought out 13 residents on October 3rd. Breakfast at the Farmhouse brought 31 residents together on Saturday, September 21st. On Sunday, September 8th, 37 residents enjoyed burgers and brats at the Farmhouse. On August 22nd, 32 residents came together for Women & Wine at the Farmhouse. The HOA held its annual meeting on July 30th at the Berean church. On June 30th, 48 residents came together for an ice cream social. John Grove hosted 30 residents for Comedy Night at the Farmhouse. On May 18th we hosted a Meet & Greet for 44 residents, with breakfast eats provided by social committee volunteers. On April 18th, we had 19 residents at Women & Wine at the Farmhouse. April 13th had a pop-up shop at the Farmhouse. On April 8th, residents gathered on the Princeton cul-de-sac for the Solar Eclipse. On February 9th, we had a pizza party for 40 residents at the Farmhouse.