9 events found.
Covered Dish Picnic
At the Farmhouse 1611 Nantucket DriveBring your favorite covered dish and enjoy the other dishes for an afternoon of Good Food, Good Times and most of all, Good Friends. We'll supply the paper products and water. If you want something else to drink - Bring Your Own Beverage.
Private Poker – 3
Private Poker – 3
At the Farmhouse 1611 Nantucket Drive
Duplicate Bridge
Duplicate Bridge
At the Farmhouse 1611 Nantucket Drive
Duplicate Bridge
Duplicate Bridge
At the Farmhouse 1611 Nantucket Drive
Private Poker
Private Poker
At the Farmhouse 1611 Nantucket Drive
Duplicate Bridge
Duplicate Bridge
At the Farmhouse 1611 Nantucket Drive
BUNCO at the Farmhouse
BUNCO at the Farmhouse
At the Farmhouse 1611 Nantucket DriveBUNCO - Is it hard? Do you have to think alot? Never played Bunco, wanted to know how it was played, then this event is for you. We'll show you how to play. Join us for a fun, relaxing evening. Bring your own drink, we'll have snacks. Call Marina, so we know how many to...