Duplicate Bridge
At the Farmhouse 1611 Nantucket DriveWomen & Wine
At the Farmhouse 1611 Nantucket DriveYou are invited to join other women of the community for a night out. The holidays are over and it's time to sit back and relax. Women and Wine at the Farmhouse is a place to do that. Please text or call Marina at 567-241-2805 or Ruth at 610-745-7818 to RSVP. You'll be asked to...
Duplicate Bridge
At the Farmhouse 1611 Nantucket DriveIce Cream Social
At the Farmhouse 1611 Nantucket DriveIt's Summer Time......so join us for an ICE CREAM SOCIAL at the Farmhouse. Another reason to meet you neighbors and enjoy some ice cream and toppings. We'll have chocolate, strawberry and vanilla with nuts and toppings for you.
Private Poker
At the Farmhouse 1611 Nantucket DriveDuplicate Bridge
At the Farmhouse 1611 Nantucket DriveBUNCO at the Farmhouse
At the Farmhouse 1611 Nantucket DriveBUNCO - Is it hard? Do you have to think alot? Never played Bunco, wanted to know how it was played, then this event is for you. We'll show you how to play. Join us for a fun, relaxing evening. Bring your own drink, we'll have snacks. Call Marina, so we know how many to...