9 events found.
Yard waste pickup
At the Farmhouse 1611 Nantucket DriveJohn Grove will be at the Farmhouse to take your bagged yard waste to the composting facility on Cairns Road for only $1.00 per bag.
Doggie Paw Parade
At the Farmhouse 1611 Nantucket DriveJoin our 4 legged friends for a meeting at the Farmhouse and a parade. The dogs will be dressed in Halloween costumes. Check the "about Tower Lakes" on the website for pictures of 2023's event. A doggie bag will be given to the participates. Thanks to Sue Subich, Lori Brubach and Dave & Kristy Damron.
Duplicate Bridge
At the Farmhouse 1611 Nantucket Drive
Duplicate Bridge
At the Farmhouse 1611 Nantucket DriveEuchre
At the Farmhouse 1611 Nantucket DriveWe would love to have you join our monthly Euchre club at the Farmhouse.
Ladies Bridge
At the Farmhouse 1611 Nantucket DriveLadies bridge welcome's all newcomers! Join us.